Berry Protein Smoothie Recipe

Kris Carr has an amazing story about her fight against aggressive cancer. She has a terrific website full of encouragement for eating for energy, health and to fight disease. Here is one of her smoothie recipes. Enjoy!   Berry Protein Power By Kris Carr (Crazy Sexy Juice) Yield 2 servings Berries and chocolate are like Fred and Ginger—a beloved pair. Hemp […]

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How To Balance Hormones

Ty Bollinger is a super great guy in the natural health industry! Here is a 20 minute video from Ty explaining how to first help balance female hormones and the second part of the video is for men and their hormones. Getting adequate sleep, eating a clean diet and dealing with stress is so important when it comes to optimal […]

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Magnesium For Depression

The Food Revolution Network is a really terrific resource for nutritional information. Here is an encouraging article from them about magnesium being used as a natural approach for depression. This Is An Astonishingly Easy, Affordable, and Effective Way to Treat Depression Naturally Food and Health Personal HealthJuly 28, 2017 Around the world, 350 million people report suffering from depression. And by […]

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A Helpful Website About Spices

Spices have so many health benefits. I encourage everyone to incorporate various spices such as cinnamon, turmeric and pepper into everyday cooking. Kanchan Koya has her Ph.D in Molecular Biology from Harvard University and she uses that knowledge along with her nutritional training to teach families about the wonderful benefits of various spices. She has a great website for information […]

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Healthy Sweet Potato Recipe

Here is a healthy gluten and dairy free recipe for a nutrient dense side dish at dinner. Here is a great article from Dole about a few of the health benefits from sweet potatoes! Could they be the next cauliflower? Autumn is upon us, and at Dole we’re predicting the next hot food trend is sweet potatoes! […]

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Mangoes For Your Metabolism

In Dole’s July newsletter there are multiple studies sited that help show some of the many benefits gained from eating mangoes daily. Mangoes bring down inflammation in the body while increasing metabolism. “Polyphenols, which are phytochemicals, are good for you and protect your health. Texas A&M University looked at these properties in mangoes, and as a result, mangoes have even […]

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Keeping Active for Your Liver!

We have all heard the phrase,”sitting is the new smoking.” Our sedentary lifestyles are not good for our waistline and they are even more damaging to our internal organs. Here is a brief summary from a study of sedentary individuals. The findings give everyone another reason to attend a yoga or other fitness class weekly! From Dole’s weekly newsletter- “Healthy […]

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