Yoga For Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

There are so many benefits to participating in a weekly yoga class. Here is an article from University Health News about the benefits of yoga classes for those struggling with chronic fatigue symptoms. If you or someone you know is struggling with this issue there are many areas that need to be addressed as far as daily diet, sleep and […]

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Yoga For Cortisol Levels

High cortisol levels are not good for our bodies. Daily and weekly yoga practices help us to keep our cortisol levels low. To understand more about cortisol and how it can damage our bodies, here is an article from University Health News.   High Cortisol Symptoms The symptoms of too much cortisol develop gradually and mostly overlap with many other […]

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Yoga For Scoliosis

If you struggle with scoliosis or know a friend or family member with this condition, please share this article from Dole with them. “A new study suggests a yoga pose as a beneficial treatment for scoliosis. For the study, researchers recruited 25 scoliosis (a condition in which the spine curves sideways) patients, ages 14 to 85 years from a private medical […]

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Boost Your Immune System with Yoga

It is important during the holiday and winter months to take extra care of our immune systems. We need to be drinking plenty of clean water, getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet. It is important to deal with both the physical and mental stress of our busy days. In multiple studies, a weekly or daily yoga practice appears […]

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Yoga Helps Alleviate Depression

I have students attend my yoga classes for various reasons. Some students need gentle exercise for their joints and chronic health issues, others need to work on stretching and slowing down with our fast pace schedules. There are also those students who attend my classes because they are going through a tough emotional situation or dealing with depression. I have […]

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Why Men Should Try Yoga

Many people feel like yoga is just for woman, but that is not true. Men tell me they are not flexible enough to try a yoga class. Here is an article for the men out there who are considering yoga as part of their fitness routine.   The Badass Guide to Yoga for Men

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