Foods That Fight Inflammation
It is important to keep inflammation down in the body.
“Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, heart disease, allergies, type 2 diabetes, arthritis and joint disease, depression, some types of cancer, obesity, and other conditions may all be caused by or made worse by inflammation. And our bodies become more susceptible to the damages of inflammation as we age.” Lindsay Oberst
Processed foods, fast foods, white sugar and white flour are all not very healthy and they contribute to inflammation in the body. Here is a great list from the folks at the Food Revolution. These foods help to fight inflammation in the body! I try to incorporate many of them in my daily meal planning. Fresh ginger and chia or flax seeds are easy to put in a morning smoothie. Leafy greens are easy to eat in a salad and they help keep that inflammation down as well. For the complete list please read the article.
Fight Disease With An Anti-Inflammatory Diet + 7 Foods That Fight Inflammation