Food Journaling For Better Health

Daily Food Journaling

I encourage all of my nutrition clients to try to keep a food journal for a few weeks. Food journaling helps us to see patterns that we can link to our health and well being. It is really helpful to see how food makes us feel throughout the day.

Consider journaling how you feel after your meals, writing down if you had a lot of energy after a meal or if you felt tired with a bit of brain fog. Upset stomach issues can be a sign of a food sensitivity. Sometime food sensitivities can be picked up by food journaling. Food journaling only costs time. The time we take to food journal really helps us see such things as mild food allergy issues, unhealthy patterns of emotional eating, late night snacking, empty calorie intact, food addictions and calorie consumption. Some people do not realize how much food they are eating in a day. It is especially helpful to write down the calorie count for a day or two to get a big picture of your daily calorie intake. If you have health goals that you want to reach, I would highly recommend food journaling. Start by writing down what you eat each day and next to the food you will want to write down any symptoms you have such as your energy level, fatigue, moodiness, achiness etc. Foods have a big affect on our physical and emotional health. For example, eating foods high in potassium, such as kiwi and bananas, can help with mild depression. “Let food be thy medicine.” Hippocrates.

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