Wild Oregano Oil For Colds and Viruses

I’ve been using wild oregano oil in my home this year along with other natural remedies to keep my family healthy. Here is some really great information about an inexpensive way to help keep your family healthy with this simple and powerful oil. This article is from Lew Rockwell.  https://www.lewrockwell.com/2018/07/no_author/vaxxers-worried/

Powerful Natural Antibiotics

I am now going to share with you the wonderful benefits of using wild oregano oil as a medicine, which actually has a very long history of use throughout the ages.  You may be comforted to know there is a lot of science (interestingly, some research carried out by the FDA, USDA and even the Pentagon) to back up what I am about to tell you.

My aim is to make people aware that this is oil a must have for your own first aid kit and that you don’t need to fear disease, viruses and super bugs if you know what it has been proven to do and how to use it.

I also want to introduce you to the brilliant work of Dr Cass Ingram, an osteopathic physician, who has been a pioneer in the field of Wild Oregano Oil. There seems to be no one alive today, that knows more about wild oregano than he.

If the world started using this oil to treat their health conditions, and if hospitals also started using it, we would change the face of medicine and health of the world, literally over night. This is why this miraculous substance, is quite possibly the biggest threat to Pharmaceutical Companies, so I bet they do NOT want you learning about what this oil can do.

Drugs and vaccines included all have side effects, with some being deadly, whilst oregano oil has killed not one single person.  With the pharmaceutical industry being worth many billions of dollars each year (sometimes that profit is just for one medicine alone), a bottle of good quality wild oregano oil can set you back approximately $30 dollars and may last you a few months. It literally has an A-Z of uses, which means it would stop you from needing to spend money on other medicines.

Compare this small price, to that of the high price of drugs today (the market exceeded 1 Trillion dollars in 2014) and we can see why the drug industry does not want you to know about this natural medicine.

I am going to show you that wild oregano oil can be used to treat whooping-cough, meningitis, the flu, fungal infections, tropical diseases, respiratory issues plus a lot more.

At the bottom of this article you will find a helpful guide on how to use the oil for children of different ages and for adults.  I know, this is a long article, but I want you to see how much evidence there is for using wild oregano oil.

Oregano Oil Surpasses Antibiotics And Has No Resistance

Unfortunately, the antibiotics prescribed by most medical doctors today have horrendous side effects including: causing antibiotic resistance, destroying good bacteria (probiotics), reducing vitamin absorption and damaging the digestive lining causing leaky gut. Dr Josh Axe

It’s now commonly known amongst most doctors that antibiotics aren’t working very well these days, and the over prescribing of them have caused serious harm to people’s immune systems.  Ex CDC Director Dr Arjun Srinivasan had this to say about the antibiotic crisis:

‘We’re in the post-antibiotic era’ he said. ‘There are patients for whom we have no therapy, and we are literally in a position of having a patient in bed who has an infection, something five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t’

This is very concerning indeed, but what is most concerning is that it does not have to be this way.  We have an affordable and highly effective solution at our fingertips.

Oregano Oil Kills MSRA 

MSRA, a type of bacteria known as a ‘superbug’, can prove deadly in some people, is now resistant to antibiotics.  Worryingly, many people actually develop this whilst they are in hospital where they were admitted for other health reasons.

It’s comforting to know that Oregano Oil (and it’s component carvacrol) has been shown in numerous studies to wipe out MSRA.  Scientists at the University of West Of England said it contains powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and has a long list of medicinal uses.  Tiny doses (less than 1 -1000) were shown to wipe out MSRA.

With this information, why then have hospitals globally not jumped at the chance to use oregano oil instead of continuing to use expensive antibiotics that just don’t really work well and are actually causing deaths in some cases?  It is estimated that 50,000 people in Canada and the USA alone die each year from MRSA.  If things keep going the way they are, some estimate MRSA could kill at least ten million people by the year 2050.

It begs the question, is the medical industry really doing the best it can for people?

Wild Oregano oil wipes out ALL bacteria.  Georgetown University showed in a study that oregano oil wiped out five tough bacteria’s such as staph, klebiella, mycobacterium, E.coli and even anthrax! Where are the studies showing that antibiotics do that?  Italian researchers found that oregano oil killed 13 types of bacteria’s.

Oregano Oil Proven To Treat So Many Other Conditions

It’s very exciting to also know that oregano oil can treat a whole array of health problems that can often be very serious. In an article by Dr Josh Axe, he shared that there are over 800 (actually the number at the time of writing this article it is now well over 1000) pubmed studies showing the benefits of carvacrol (the healing part found in oregano oil), and 583 studies on oregano oil for things such as:

Bacterial infections

Fungal infections







The video below shares an experiment a school student did to show that even tiny amounts of organic oregano oil killed more bacteria than the popular antibiotic amoxicillin:

Oregano Oil For Meningitis 

Meningitis is one of the most feared infections a parent tends to be most concerned about their children getting.  Whilst meningitis can be viral, fungal and parasitical, the most serious kind isbacterial meningitis. Meningitis often first appears as a cold or flu, and for some children (and adults) it can then turn into something very severe, and fast.

It is very important therefore to look for signs and seek help fast if needed. However, it would perhaps be wise to always use wild oregano oil when your child is showing signs of a cold, to help stop it from turning into something worse.  The Neisseria strain of bacteria is thought to cause meningitis and oregano oil has been shown to destroy it.  To show you how powerful pure essential oils in general are, lemon oil has been shown by french Doctors to destroy meningitis in just 15 minutes.

Solgar u2013 Wild Oreg…Buy New $11.55(as of 03:15 EDT – Details)

Oregano Oil For Whooping Cough

For many parents, even the ones who have decided not to vaccinate their children, pertussis – which is known more commonly as whooping-cough – is one of the diseases they are often very concerned with and also very fearful of.  It can certainly be serious in already unwell infants, and if you have ever seen any videos of babies suffering from whooping-cough, it is quite distressing to see.

However, with what we know about antibiotics which are failing, and causing further health problems, could the treatment of whooping-cough be a lot more effective – or could it even be prevented by the use of oregano oil?  Whooping cough gives those affected a very dreadful thick mucous cough. Oregano oil can break down mucous as it’s a natural decongestant and antihistamine.

Whilst some natural doctors say that infants must not use oregano oil, Dr Cass Ingram says as long as you use a wild crafted, edible oil, and use it correctly it is completely fine.

visit this link for advice on how to use oregano oil for whooping-cough.

Oregano Oil For Respiratory Issues

Because our world is so polluted these days, it seems lots of people often suffer with chest infections that can last for weeks.  I see it everywhere and can tell by comments on social media, that it seems to be affecting people all over the world.

Oregano oil is one of the best things for chest infections and other respiratory issues , including asthma.  Taken internally, applied to the feet or rubbed diluted on the chest, it can work incredibly quickly, within hours, to help with respiratory infections.

Oregano Oil For Flu

It’s been a terrible flu season and I have seen so many people around the world, who have been very unwell.

However, despite the huge push for the flu vaccine, it simply did not give good results for keeping the flu at bay, or decreasing it’s severity.  Many studies are showing that the flu vaccine, at best, is only ‘effective’ against the flu in only 10% of people.

Put in other words, the flu vaccine has a 90% failure rate. 

However using oregano oil, offers far better results. The flu, also known as the Influenza virus is said to be ten times more virulent than that of the common cold, and requires a stronger dose of oregano oil to kill the virus. In studies with human cells, it was shown to have an effect of 99.7% of destroying the virus.

Oregano oil is also a mucolytic, and is brilliant at breaking up mucous, which is one of the most annoying afflictions of having a cold or flu.  It therefore helps clear sinuses and breaks up the mucous – rather than suppressing it – in a chest cough.

I have personally had phenomenal results with using oregano oil this flu season and I was one of the very few people who I know of, who simply did not get the flu or even a bad cold.  The trick is taking the right kind and taking it often throughout those days where you feel like something is kicking in.  If the symptoms crop up again, then continue to take the oil until the symptoms goes away.

Travel Vaccines Not Needed When Oregano Oil Keeps Tropical Diseases At Bay

Many people who don’t vaccinate themselves or their children in first world countries, often do so when they are travelling to third world countries, thinking that this is their only guarantee of not succumbing to disease when they are travelling.  Travel vaccines are often given alongside several other types and this can be a very big knock to the immune system, and if anything could make one more susceptible to illness whilst away.

However, if you took wild oregano oil daily, it may be excellent for keeping you resistant to illness.  Wild oregano oil is also very good for treating diarrhoea and keeping food poisoning at bay. It has been shown to destroy e.coli, strep and salmonella. The FDA even published research in the Journal Of Food Protection (1999)

Oregano Oil  Is Anti-malarial 

Malaria is a huge issue globally.  It is estimated that approximately 212 million cases of malaria, with close to 430,000 deaths occurred in 2015, with African countries suffering the most.  Common treatment for malaria is with very strong drugs to kill the parasite that mosquito’s can carry. These drugs have risks,  (including causing heart issues and death) and patients are recommended to be screened (some should have blood tests) before treatment but it’s highly unlikely this is being done throughout the third world, so it may be a fair question to ask, could these drugs be causing deaths in numbers greater than what we are told?  You can also experience bad side effects from anti-malarial drugs. They are also being linked to causing depression.

It’s interesting to know that Oregano oil and it’s compounds showed anti-malarial qualities, which makes sense because it’s a proven anti-parasitic substance.   For malaria, neem oil also has shown impressive results in the treatment of malaria.

In the third world, treatment for malaria is often with nothing, or with the malarial drugs.  However, perhaps it would be much more effective, cheaper and less risky to use some of these natural oils that have far more of a positive effect with less side effects.

Beware Oregano Oil Is Not Always Good Quality

There are many brands of oregano oil, but sadly they are not always what you pay for. Many are now being grown with GMO method, it is believed up to 30% of oils on the market are, so you really have to source a wild crafted brand.  There are some studies showing that oregano oil can harm the stomach, liver and heart, but this was  NOT from a genuine, wild, edible source of oregano oil.  Anything that is not 100% from nature is not the kind you should use.

Myths Regarding Infant Use Of Wild Oregano Oil

Unfortunately there are myths floating around the internet often even by herbalists and naturopaths, that oregano oil can’t be used on children under the age of 7. This is only partly true, in that it’s all about the type and quality of oil that is used.  If an essential oil is not pure, has been produced with GMO methods, then of course, it is not safe for children to use. However, if it is a true edible spice oil, like that of oreganol p73, then it is highly recommended to be used for many illnesses, even on babies 6 months and up.

I asked world-renowned oregano pioneer Dr Cass Ingram, if he felt that children under the age of 7 should not use oregano oil:

The spice oil oregano, the true wild spice-source, high-mountain grown, is safe for all ages and is surely safe for both topical use and in tiny amounts internal use for one year-olds-plus. It has been used, traditionally, in Turkey for respiratory in children for centuries.

As long the original Oreganol P73 is used, it is acceptable, safe, and is listed by the federal government, US, as GRAS (generally recognised as safe).

I hope that clears up the rumour that oregano oil should not be used in children. I feel that many children are missing out on its amazing benefits because of this rumour.

It’s important to also remember, that we have a medical system that says its recommended to give children many doses of antibiotics, regular doses of Tylenol, and of course, that its okay to give many multiple doses of toxic vaccines at once.  They never discuss the long-term effects of these on our children.

Remember: there have been NO deaths from effects of oregano oil so I hope that this puts the use of it on infants and children into perspective.

Guide:  How To Use Oregano Oil

It’s vital to know how to use the oil for it to be its most effective. Here is a guide, written by Dr Cass Ingram for you to follow:

Children – Age 6 months – 2 years

  • 1 drop of wild crafted oregano oil in milk or juice, once a day (kids may not like the taste, in this case try other methods as listed below)
  • can be used like this for 1 – 10 days, but do NOT exceed 10 days of use
  • for children with chest congestion, cold or fever, rub oil of oregano on the bottom of the feet at bedtime.  Cover feet with socks (2-3 drops per foot)

Children – Age 2 – 5 years

  • 1 drop of oregano oil in milk or juice (or can be mixed with honey on a spoon to cover the taste) once per day with a meal.
  • kids over the age of 2 can use this for more than 10 days
  • kids with cold or fever, rub oregano oil on bottom of feet at bedtime, 4 drops per foot.
  • for chest congestion, cold or fever rub 3 drops of oregano oil and 3 drops of rosemary oil to a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub over the chest and throat area. Be careful child does not rub the oil into their eyes. It can sting!

Children – Age 6 – 10 years

  • 1-3 drops of oregano oil in juice once per day, can be used for any number of days.
  • for cold or fever, rub 3 drops of oregano oil on bottom of feet at bedtime
  • for chest congestion, cold or fever,  rub 3-5 drops of oregano oil with 3-5 drops of rosemary into a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub over chest and throat area.

Children – Age 10 years and older

  • 2 drops of oregano oil in juice or under the tongue, 3 times a day
  • for chest congestion cold or fever rub oregano oil under the feet chest and throat area (5 drops of oregano oil & 5 drops of rosemary oil with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil)

I make my own rubbing oil that I use on both of my children, as a preventive and also when they are suffering from colds etc. I use it at least twice a day when they are ill. Because of the strong smell of oregano oil, it is a good idea to add other organic essential oils like lavender to make the scent much more pleasant to children.  As stated previously, be very careful of your children getting any oil on their fingers as they can then put in their eyes which will burn.

Adults can use higher doses for themselves, and I would consult the book The Cure Is In The Cupboard for recommendations of how much to use.

My personal favourite brand I use myself and on my family, is North American Herb and Spice Company’s P73 range. where they have many different wild oregano oil products to choose from.

If you are after just the oil please click here:  This is not an affiliated to CE by the way, or to myself.

The company source their hand-picked oregano from its native place, high up on the Mediterranean mountains and is a true wild, and edible oil.

If you would like to follow Dr Cass Ingram go to his facebook page

If you are interested in learning more about Oregano oil I can recommend the following books:

The Cure Is In The Cupboard and The Miracle of Wild Oregano Oil, both by Dr Cass Ingram.

I really hope you have found this article interesting and that it may inspire you to use this incredible oil on your children and on yourself.

You can see why this oil is a huge threat to the drug companies, imagine if we all started using this instead of their products, it would cause them to go out of business overnight.

Disclaimer – whilst it’s good to know that natural remedies can be incredibly effective for fighting and treating disease, bacterial infections viruses, and super bugs, a visit to the doctor may still be very important if your child, or someone in your family is affected severely by one of these. – The present condition of their immune system will dictate how well they fight off these conditions. 

Reprinted with permission from Collective Evolution.

This article was first published on March 24, 2018.

Along with the information above, here are some more reasons to use oregano oil from University Health News.

1. Oregano oil has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Traditional healers since ancient times have used oregano extract to treat respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, flu, sore throats, and bronchitis. These types of respiratory infections are typically caused by viruses or bacteria. Based on notable research studies, oil of oregano benefits immunity because it helps improve symptoms of respiratory infection due to its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

The volatile oils in oregano include thymol and carvacrol, which have been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria including Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus—the bacteria often responsible for respiratory infections.[1] In fact, oregano oil is considered a broad-spectrum antibacterial, which means it kills both gram positive and gram negative bacteria species. In addition, oregano oil capsules have been shown to be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.[2–4]

Furthermore, oregano oil benefits those suffering from respiratory infections or the flu because it promotes sweating, which makes it useful to bring a fever down. The oil also can be used to clear lungs and bronchial passages by mixing with a base of oil and rubbing it on the chest and aching muscles or by boiling it with hot water or adding it to a vaporizer to inhale the steam.

2. Oregano oil fights urinary tract infections (UTI).

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common urinary pathogen and the third-leading cause of hospital-acquired UTI. Oregano oil benefits patients who suffer from UTIsdue to its high content of carvacrol, which eradicates Pseudomonas aeruginosabacteria.[5,6] Wild oregano oil with the highest content contain 75 to 85 percent carvacrol. It also inhibits growth of E. Coli (Escherichia coli O157:H7) and Proteus, bacteria that also cause UTIs.[7]

3. Oregano oil benefits fungal and yeast infections.

Aside from bacteria, oregano is also a very potent antifungal herb. In fact, oregano oil may be a more powerful anti-fungal agent than many commercial products on the market. Oregano oil is effective in eliminating the fungus that causes athlete’s foot as well as treating fungal infections on the skin and nails.

Oregano oil is also effective at inhibiting the Candida fungi (yeast). It is more effective than other natural supplements in cases of yeast infections resistant to the conventional drug fluconazole (Diflucan), according to research published in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology.[8]

4. Oregano oil kills parasites.

Giardia is an amoeba, common throughout the world. There are more than 200 million people infected with Giardia each year. Research studies indicate that oregano is effective against Giardia.[9]

Oregano oil even protects against parasitic infiltration both in a physical environment and within the body. This includes round worms, tape worms, bed bugs, lice, fleas, and mosquitoes.

5. Oregano oil protects against foodborne illnesses as well as digestive issues.

Studies have demonstrated antibacterial activity of essential oils against some of the most common foodborne pathogens, among them ListeriaSalmonella, E-Coli, and Shigella dysenteria (which causes dysentery).[10,11] In fact, you can add oregano oil to your eggs, meat, seafood, salad, or other dishes to actually prevent food poisoning microbes from growing. You can also add a few drops to your leftovers to prevent food spoilage.

The most common symptoms of food-borne illness tend to be digestive issues. Oregano oil’s high content of carvacrol and thymol can help calm down stomach upset and aid in digestion by stimulating bile flow. Therefore, symptoms of food-borne illness—including nausea, vomiting, and indigestion, among others—can be alleviated by using the oil. Oregano oil also kills Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria that cause gastric ulcers. It can help with bowel problems such as constipationdiarrhea, and/or bloating and indigestion.

How to Take Oregano Oil

Now that you know the amazing oregano oil benefits, you need to know how to safely take the herb. It’s widely available in bottled liquid extract, capsule, and tablet form; wild P73 oregano oil is the most potent. (Please note that before you begin an oregano oil supplement, advice from a healthcare professional is strongly encouraged.) In our post “How To Take Oregano Oil,” you’ll find details on how and how much oregano oil to take for specific ailments or purposes.

5 Amazing Oregano Oil Benefits

5 Amazing Oregano Oil Benefits

This article was originally published in 2012 and is regularly updated.

[1] Pak J Pharm Sci. 2009 Oct;22(4):421-4.
[2] J Med Food. 2008 Sep;11(3):568-73.
[3] Microbial Pathogenesis. 2016 Oct; 99: 95-100.
[4] Indian J Pharm Sci. 2012 Sep;74(5):443-50.
[5] J Appl Microbiol. 2001 Sep;91(3):453-62.
[6] Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 2010 April;8(2):272-274.
[7] Med Dosw Mikrobiol. 2012;64(4):297-307.
[8] Can J Microbiol. 2008 Nov;54(11):950-6.
[9] Parasitol Res. 2006 May;98(6):557-60.
[10] Int J Food Microbiol. 2004 Aug 1;94(3):223-53.
[11] Food Microbiol. 2013 May;34(1):123-9.


  • Jana

    Many thanks for this article. Was hoping to find some information to reassure me that I can give Wild Oregano Oil to my children age 5-7 to treat pinworms. In the article you wrote that there has never been a case of death associated with taking oregano oil.

    I am wondering if you came across this article and what you think about it?
    Oil of Oregano and a little boy’s death:


    • Shanna

      I’m so sorry to hear about this story. It seems like the mother was not consulting a doctor about such a serious problem. If you want more information on using oregano oil for pinworms, I would read Dr. Cass Ingram’s book called, The Cure is in The Cupboard. He addresses using oregano oil for pinworms. I would always consult your doctor first before trying these natural remedies. I did not write that oregano oil has never killed anyone. That is something none of us know? Thank you.

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